Board is looking for awesome new members with soil in their blood
NKTA fulfills several functions in carrying out it’s mission to improve non-motorized, multi-modal transportation in a more sustainable Kitsap County. Our most visible role is to plan and organize trail improvement projects in existing parks and open space.
However, that is only the tip of the iceberg. Our most important functions entail advocating for regional non-motorized transportation routes like the Sound to Olympics Trail and the Great American Rail Trail.

NKTA partners with like-minded non-profit organizations like the Bainbridge Island Parks & Trails Foundation, the Peninsula Trails Coalition, Leafline Trails Coalition and the Heritage Park steward groups. We also monitoring local government agencies to ensure that they include non-motorized transportation in their long-range plans.
NKTA’s "working" board members are local like-minded community trail advocates. If you have an interest in promoting trails in our community, please send us an email at or talk to a board member. The main requirements are a love of trails and a willingness to help expand and maintain them throughout North Kitsap.