In August 2023 we lost NKTA volunteer extraordinaire & past president Evan Stoll. Evan was an invaluable part of NKTA’s legacy of land conservation efforts and our land and water trail projects.
NKTA’s board is sharing both our cheers to Evan, to our community, to Evan's 1967 classmates from the US Coast Guard Academy, and to his family who donated funds to NKTA in order to continue the work he cared so much about. Creating the first Port Gamble Forest Heritage Park Native Plant Demonstration Project in his name will be the first of many in the 3,500 acre park.

In December 2024, NKTA partnered with Kitsap Parks & other community groups at a work party to create the project.

This planting project is located on a 1⁄2 acre of park land surrounding the Viewpoint Platform, thus beginning the process of creating a more native and diverse forest in lieu of a mono-culture tree farm (as currently planted). This process will replace invasive species with more native-plant understory surrounding the Viewpoint Platform within the designated area.

Watch for future work party notifications to install signage & Evan's bench.